who we are

Classroom Giving (TM) connects classrooms, in need of school-supplies, with donors who would help.  Our vision is to have members of every community in The US, become aware that a local classroom is in need of school-supplies, and that there is an Amazon Wishlist online where any customer can directly provide these supplies for the classroom of their choice.  If you wish to support a public-school classroom, Please find your state, town and a classroom you wish to help directly.   Since 2019 we listed over 3,500 classrooms and helped supply many of them, through the generosity of  individual supporters .  We are also a registered Charity,  accepting donations.   Below you will find links to view our Annual-Reports and to verify our status as a registered non-profit charity.    Our ultimate goal is for  Amazon to ELEVATE the status of all classroom wishlists on its platform, so that any Amazon customer, can receive an alert, after placing their order, to let them know that there is a classroom nearby, in need of school-supplies.  See below our mission statement and FAQ.  Thank you for supporting public education. 



   Classroom Giving is a (U.S. based) non-profit  which connects classrooms, in need of school-supplies, with supporters who would help.   Many public school classrooms,  in The U.S. are in urgent need of classroom supplies.  Most school-districts do not provide the supplies needed in a classroom, thus forcing the teachers, who are underpaid, to buy such supplies (and snacks) out of pocket.  Thousands of classrooms, currently have open wishlists on Amazon, that can be cleared by the public or charitable organizations, directly and without overhead or additional cost.     Such supplies range from pencils and paper, to books and iPads.     Since its launch, in 2019, Classroom Giving has listed over 3,000 Classrooms nationwide on its website, with links to the classrooms' Amazon-Wishlists.   Any potential donor may visit the website, find their state, town and a classroom nearby, they wish to support directly.    We are also a registered Charity, accepting donations through PayPal.   

Vision Statement:

Our vision is to have members of every community in The US, become aware that a local classroom is in need of school-supplies, and that there is an Amazon Wishlist online where any customer can directly provide these supplies for the classroom of their choice.

Mission Statement:

Before we supply a classroom with school-supplies or  snacks, we require that they create an Amazon Wishlist and list it on our website ClassroomGiving.org.   We have already succeeded in listing over 3,000 classrooms nationwide.  Once we reach 20,000 or 30,000 classrooms listed, our site will generate substantial traffic towards those Amazon wishlists.   We hope to be able to get Amazon, to integrate Classroom-Giving into its shopping platform, by elevating the status of any wishlist which belongs to a public school classroom, so that anytime an Amazon customer places any order, they can be alerted, that there is a classroom nearby, which needs supplies that are listed on an Amazon wishlist.  As we supply more and more classrooms, we are increasing the visibility of our service among teachers, and are getting the attention of the public directed towards our site where anyone may search for a classroom in need, in their local community. 

How does Classroom Giving Inc  work?

ClassroomGiving is visible on social media and is followed by 5,500+ on Twitter and 1,500 on Facebook.  We encourage teachers to let us know what is their most-urgently-needed item of classroom supplies under $25.   In order to have such item listed on our site (and possibly purchased by Classroom Giving Inc), the classroom has to create an Amazon wishlist of its needed school-supplies AND have this wishlist be listed on our site: ClassroomGiving.org.  We have already vetted and listed over 3,000 such classrooms in 50 states. The more snacks and supplies we purchase for classrooms, the more new classrooms apply to get listed with us. 

How will we measure success?

Once we reach 20,000 or 30,000 classrooms listed, our site will generate substantial traffic towards those Amazon wishlists.     We hope to be able to get Amazon, to integrate Classroom-Giving into its shopping platform, by elevating the status of any wishlist which belongs to a public school classroom, so that anytime an Amazon customer places any order, they can be alerted, that there is a classroom nearby, which needs supplies that are listed on an Amazon wishlist.  As we supply more and more classrooms, we  are increasing the visibility of our service among teachers, and are getting the attention of the public directed towards our site where anyone may search for a classroom in need, in their local community. 

How does Classroom Giving Inc. raise and spend  funds?

 At Classroom Giving Inc. 100% of donations are used to buy supplies directly for classrooms.  Classroom-Giving has no overhead at all.   Its  founder, Ben Adam created the website and is operating it out of pocket.  The website runs on basic Google hosting.   So far, Classroom Giving Inc. has received a few hundred dollars from individual donors over PayPal.   Most of the monetary support has come from its founder, Ben Adam and his Real-Estate company.   To view the items we purchased directly for classrooms, Please go to our Orders-Placed page.    However, most of the giving is done by individuals directly to the classrooms, listed on ClassroomGiving.org via the Amazon Wishlist which each classroom has posted on our site.   Please see our Cleared-Lists page to view (only some of) the classrooms who benefited.   (You can see some of the hundreds of Thank-You's we've received on social media on that page).   The average classroom teacher spends $400 - $500 per semester in school-supplies for his/her students. That is also the cost to clear the average Amazon-wishlist currently posted on our site.  We are seeking $10,000.- for the year 2023.

How does our website work?

   Individual visitors to our website are able to purchase supplies for classrooms, off those (listed) Amazon wishlists.  ClassroomGiving.org only directs donors towards the Amazon Wishlists, but does not track the traffic thereafter or collect  any data regarding the interaction between the donors and classrooms.   There is no login required to use the site or to view the wishlists.


Please reply to admin@ClassroomGiving.org if you wish to support us. Or you can visit our PayPal link and donate funds.  If you wish to simply support a classroom, click on this link to locate your state, your town and a classroom nearby which you'd like to support directly with supplies purchased on Amazon.



Frequently Asked Questions:

What problem does your project address? Why is this significant?

Many public school students in The U.S. are underserved due to the lack or shortage of classroom supplies.  Most school-districts do not provide the supplies needed in a classroom, thus forcing the teachers, who are underpaid, to buy such supplies (and snacks) out of pocket.  Thousands of classrooms  currently have open wishlists on Amazon, that can be cleared by the public or charitable organizations directly and without overhead or additional cost. .     Such supplies range from pencils and paper, to books and iPads.

What outcomes do you expect for the project, both immediate and long term?

Classroom supplies are needed on an on-going basis.  Once a wishlist has been cleared, it fills up again come the next semester. The outcome we expect is the one we have been seeing since we launched in 2019: supplies arriving in classrooms, purchased by the public and by Classroom Giving.  For a (partial) list of classrooms who benefited go to our pages: Cleared Lists  and Orders Placed.

What is the estimated overall cost of the project?

Classroom Giving has listed 3,000+ classrooms (in the U.S.) which have open wishlists on Amazon.   The average cost of supplies per classroom / per semester is  $300 - $350.   with $10,000 we can purchase one, urgently needed item, for 10% of the classrooms we listed so far.  

What other sources of support are you pursuing for this project?

Classroom Giving is active on social media seeking support from the public. We encourage generous individuals to DIRECTLY support a classroom (in their neighborhood) by locating its Amazon wishlist on our website and then sending supplies directly to the school building.  We are also making fund raising efforts by submitting grant applications online to many philanthropies and foundations. 

What inspired the creation of Classroom Giving Inc.?

I was (and still am)  a small-business owner and a working parent surviving on a salary,  when I saw the plight of a public-school teacher in Arizona on a YouTube video.  Ms. Milich from Phoenix, AZ  has been teaching 2nd grade for 20 years and has to contend with an annual salary of $45K.   She also has to spend $1,000 a year on supplies for her students.   I decided to help her and sent supplies for her classroom starting Aug 2018.   By Spring 2019 I was sponsoring six classrooms out of pocket and decided to launch the ClassroomGiving.org website.   The news of our launch made it into The New York Times and CBS News very quickly. See our Media page.     From that point on, we started receiving requests from classrooms nationwide, requesting to be listed on our site with their Amazon Wishlists. 

We are over 3,000 classrooms strong today.

How would we use the donated funds?

At Classroom Giving Inc. 100% of donations are used to buy supplies directly for  classrooms.   Classroom-Giving has no overhead at all.  We have over 3,000 listed classrooms nationwide who need supplies. Those (needed) supplies are listed on the classrooms'  Amazon Wishlists, which are organized on our site by State and City.  The most urgently-needed supplies are listed here.   

What do you intend to demonstrate or prove? What means will you use?

Classroom Giving helps Classrooms by purchasing supplies off their Amazon wishlists.  Every purchased is being recorded on our website and matches the transaction in our bank account.  Go to our home page and click: "Your order has been placed" , to see the list of supplies we bought recently.


We are looking forward to being considered for funding soon.

Thank you

Ben Adam, Founder


Classroom Giving Inc. 



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