Dear Teacher
We are looking forward to listing your classroom on "".
This is not a FILL-IN form, so please eMail us the following (from your School-District eMail address):
Teacher's full name. (As it appears on school website)
Grade. ( do not add "Special Education", "STEM", "Title 1" or the subject you teach)
Room number (for the classroom the supplies are going to).
Name of the school. (You may leave out the word "School")
Full shipping street address to your school building (abbreviate name of your state in caps)
(Supplies must be sent to the school building to keep those donations tax-deductible)
phone number of the school main office. (no personal cell numbers)
Teacher's school eMail address. (no personal eMail addresses please)
a link to your school's web-page which lists your name in the faculty/staff directory
or anywhere on the school site or school-district site
(Not a link to the home-page. A link to the page displaying your name)
Then, please create a (PUBLICLY-VISIBLE) wish-list on and send us the link to the wishlist.
You may add "Classroom Giving" to the title of the wishlist on Amazon and place your classroom's most urgently-needed item at the top of the list.
Below are the instructions for making a public wishlist on Amazon ("Public" = can be viewed without login) :
Ms Susan Parker
2nd Grade - Rm 209
Abraham Lincoln Elementary
4321 N. Main Street
Pleasantville, PA. 90210
(406) 555 1212
We also need:
1 - A short statement, from the teacher informing us that she/he have been buying school-supplies and/or snacks out-of-pocket.
2 - Please, also state that your wishlist on has a delivery-address which is your classroom and not your home, even during summer break.
3 - Please state that your wishlist does not include any items which may be hazardous or harmful to minors in any way.
4 - how did you hear about Classroom Giving ?
48 hours after submitting your request: Please check the site to confirm that your classroom's listing is live, that your classroom's info is correct and that the link, to your Amazon wishlsit, works!
This is not required. If you wish to make it easier for ClassroomGiving to promote your classroom's listing on social media, you can send us your Twitter(X) handle and your facebook / Instagram name.
A FEW TIPS ON USING AMAZON WISHLISTS (just tips, not requirements) :
At the top of the list, put items like: Paper, Pencils, Markers, Reading books, Hand-Sanitizer, Snacks, Crayons. Items which have been bought off the list, disappear from the list.
Your Amazon wishlist may expire for lack of activity and you may have to re-create it in the future.
Your listing will never expire, there is no need to renew it. If you have a new Amazon wishlist, just send us the new link (
Once you receive supplies, you may choose to thank the generous givers. Track them down in your Amazon wishlist, which lists those who viewed your list, or by reading the gift-card. They should be listed to the left of it. Some choose to remain private. You can also, send Thank-You notes using the scan-codes.
Do not make your wishlist too long: Once you received a few items, you can add more. Please create ONE wishlist for both supplies and snacks. We can only list one wishlist per classroom.
Classroom Giving Inc. (TM)
P O Box 982
New York, NY 10024